- 자료유형
- 저자
- Society for Financial Studies(5)
- IEEE Computer Society(2)
- Sheth, Jagdish N(2)
- Wallace, R. S. Olusegun(2)
- Bassi, Laurie J(1)
- Chan, James L(1)
- Ferris, Gerald R(1)
- Heene, Aime(1)
- ISICS(1)
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies(1)
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies [ed.](1)
- International Conference on Requirements Engineering(1)
- JAI Press Inc(1)
- RSD Publishing(1)
- Rugman, Alan M(1)
- Sanchez, Ron(1)
- Simpson, Ida Harper(1)
- Simpson, Richard L(1)
- Software Engineering Technical Committee(1)
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc(1)
- The Research Institute of Rehabilitation Science Hansa University ed(1)
- The institute of socio-information and communication studies [편](1)
- Woodbury, Stephen A(1)
- 건설산업정보(1)
- 테크월드(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어
- 주제분류