- 자료유형
- 저자
- Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers(4)
- 1970-(1)
- IS & T--the Society for Imaging Science and Technology(1)
- IS&T(1)
- International SEMATECH(1)
- Jeffery R. Price, Fabrice Meriaudeau, chairs/editors ; sponsored ... by IS & Tthe Society for Imaging Science and Technology, SPIEthe International Society for Optical Engineering(1)
- Johnson, R. Barry(1)
- Meriaudeau, Fabrice(1)
- Mouroulis, Pantazis(1)
- Pantazis Z. Mouroulis, Warren J. Smith, R. Barry Johnson, chairs/editors ; sponsored and published by SPIEthe International Society for Optical Engineering(1)
- Price, Jeffery Ray(1)
- Richard M. Silver, chair/editor ; sponsored and published by SPIEthe International Society for Optical Engineering ; cooperating organization, International SEMATECH(1)
- SPIE(1)
- Silver, Richard M(1)
- Smith, Warren J(1)
- Society for Imaging Science and Technology(1)
- Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어
- 주제분류