- 자료유형
- 저자
- Karr, Susan(2)
- Smith, Roger P(2)
- Susan Karr, Carson-Newman University(2)
- (Professor of biotechnology)(1)
- 1932-(1)
- 1944-(1)
- 1958-(1)
- 1961-(1)
- 1966-(1)
- 1978-(1)
- 1979-(1)
- Anna Lora-Wainwright(1)
- Bolan, Nanthi(1)
- Cabaniss, Amy D(1)
- Callahan, Michael S(1)
- Caplan, Ruth(1)
- Committee on Advancing Understanding of the Implications of Environmental-Chemical Interactions with the Human Microbiome(1)
- Committee on Advancing Understanding of the Implications of Environmental-Chemical Interactions with the Human Microbiome, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine(1)
- Committee on Propulsion and Energy Systems to Reduce Commercial Aviation Carbon Emissions(1)
- Committee on Propulsion and Energy Systems to Reduce Commercial Aviation Carbon Emissions, Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine(1)
- Dwivedi, Naveen(1)
- Dwivedi, Shubha(1)
- E. G. Nisbet(1)
- Egan, Janice(1)
- Egan, Michael(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어
- 주제분류