- 자료유형
- 저자
- 1967-(3)
- 1950-(2)
- 1988-(2)
- (2013(1)
- (2018(1)
- 1926-(1)
- 1938-(1)
- 1954-(1)
- 1958-(1)
- 1960-(1)
- 1964-(1)
- 1985-(1)
- Adelman, Mara B(1)
- Alcalde Penalver, Elena(1)
- Allyson Stewart-Allen and Lanie Denslow(1)
- Alper, Joe(1)
- Assimakopoulos, Stavros(1)
- Banks, Stephen P(1)
- Berson, Josh(1)
- Bhagat, Rabi S(1)
- Brenda CampbellJones, Shannon Keeny, and Franklin CampbellJones(1)
- CampbellJones, Brenda(1)
- CampbellJones, Franklin(1)
- Cashman, Timothy G(1)
- Center for 17th- & 18th- Century Studies(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어
- 주제분류