- 자료유형
- 저자
- 1941-(2)
- 1958-(2)
- IEEE Computer Society(2)
- Strasser, Wolfgang(2)
- (1991(1)
- (2nd(1)
- 1951-(1)
- 1995(1)
- Brebbia, C. A(1)
- Computer Graphics Society(1)
- Coquillart, S(1)
- Hernandez, S(1)
- International Conference on Visualization and Intelligent Design in Engineering and Architecture(1)
- La Coruna, Spain)(1)
- Seidel, Hans-Peter(1)
- Stucki, P(1)
- Technical Committee on Computer Graphics(1)
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc(1)
- Vienna, Austria)(1)
- Wilhelm Schickard-Institut f?r Informatik(1)
- editors, S. Hernandez, C.A. Brebbia(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어