Kotler, Philip
자료유형 | 도서 |
서명/저자사항 | Marketing management/ Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller. |
개인저자 | Kotler, Philip, Keller, Kevin Lane, |
판사항 | 14th ed., Global ed. |
발행사항 | England: Pearson, 2012. |
형태사항 | 1 v. (various paging): col. ill.; 28 cm. |
가격정보 | |
ISBN | 9780273753360 (pbk.) 0273753363 (pbk.) |
서지주기 | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
내용주기 | Part 1: Understanding Marketing Management -- Chapter 1. Defining Marketing for the 21st Century -- Chapter 2. Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Part 2: Capturing Marketing Insights -- Chapter 3. Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment -- Chapter 4. Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting on Demand Part 3: Connecting with Customers -- Chapter 5. Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships -- Chapter 6. Analyzing Consumer Markets -- Chapter 7. Analyzing Business Markets -- Chapter 8. Identifying Market Segments and Targets Part 4: Building Strong Brands -- Chapter 9. Creating Brand Equity -- Chapter 10. Crafting the Brand Position -- Chapter 11. Competitive Dynamics Part 5: Shaping the Market -- Chapter 12. Setting Product Strategy -- Chapter 13. Designing and Managing Services -- Chapter 14. Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs Part 6: Delivering Value -- Chapter 15. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing -- Chapter 16. Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics Part 7: Communicating Value -- Chapter 17. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications -- Chapter 18. Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations -- Chapter 19. Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Interactive Marketing, Word of Mouth, and Personal Selling Part 8: Creating Successful Long-Term Growth -- Chapter 20. Introducing New Marketing Offerings -- Chapter 21. Tapping into Global Markets -- Chapter 22. Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization. |
일반주제명 | Marketing --Management. |
분류기호 | 326.16 |
언어 | 영어 |
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